Title: The Impact of a Flipped Classroom Design on Learning Performance in Higher Education: Looking for the Best “Blend” of Lectures and Guiding Questions with Feedback
Authors: Ngoc Thuy Thi Thai, Bram De Wever, and Martin Valcke
Key points
- This study examines the impact of various learning settings on second-year university students, including flipped classroom, blended learning, traditional, and e-learning
- Flipped classrooms had positive impacts on students’ self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation
- Students in blended learning settings had stronger learning outcomes than e-learning
The present study examines the differential impact of studying in a Flipped Classroom (FC) setting, as compared to a Blended Learning (BL), a Traditional Learning (TL), and an E-Learning (EL) setting on learning performance, self-efficacy beliefs, intrinsic motivation, and perceived flexibility. Participants were second-year undergraduate students (N = 90), enrolled in the “Invertebrates” course in Can Tho University (Vietnam). Participants were randomly assigned to one of the four experimental conditions (TL n = 22, BL n = 22, FC n = 23, EL n = 23). Two instructional elements – (1) lectures and (2) guiding questions – were presented through two different modes (online and face-to-face). In the blended conditions (BL and FC) the mode of these elements were altered. The results show that learning performance was superior in the FC setting as compared to other learning settings TL (Cohens’ d = 1.58), EL (Cohens’ d = 1.01) and BL (Cohens’ d = 0.71). Students in the BL setting had a higher learning performance as compared to the EL setting. In addition, we observed that studying in a FC setting had a positive effect on self-efficacy beliefs and intrinsic motivation, but not on perceived flexibility. These findings suggest that the FC setting could be a promising way of enhancing students’ learning performance.
What would this look like in a course?
- Intentionally incorporate diverse forms of media in courses.
- Consider involving additional searching and exploring beyond the readings provided in class.
- Give students more opportunities to work offline in order to improve their sense of self-efficacy.