IT Teaching Resources

Bridging synchronous and asynchronous learning

Online learning can happen synchronously, with instructors and students gathering at the same time and (virtual) place and interacting in “real-time”; or asynchronously, with students accessing materials at their own pace. Explore the stories and resources below for insights on how to incorporate both types of learning and foster continuity across these using hybrid activities

Instructor and student voices


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Make your own digital showcase

GSE IT workshop helps students build a personal website on GitHub to show off technical projects

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Canvas course organization: Recommendations and templates

A guide on how to use and import premade modules and templates to quickly set up a Canvas course

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Active and interactive learning online

This study compares the learning differences between students in an online writing course and an in-person writing course

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How chemists achieve active learning online during the COVID-19 pandemic

A Singaporean study on the transition to online learning

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How to handle unstable WiFi in Zoom

A short article on how to make Zoom meetings more accessible for students with poor or unstable internet connection

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Recording and sharing Zoom meetings and chat

How to record a synchronous and asynchronous Zoom class and access the chat features

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Hosting a Zoom meeting or class: Best practices

GSE-IT shares Zoom best practices and how to schedule and host a meeting

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Supporting mental health and well-being

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Structuring and streamlining content

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Promoting student engagement

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Bridging synchronous and asynchronous learning

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Building community and trust

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Gathering assessment and feedback

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