IT Teaching Resources




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Make your own digital showcase

GSE IT workshop helps students build a personal website on GitHub to show off technical projects

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Getting Things Done: Strategies and Digital Tools for Time and Tasks

Understanding personal energy and procrastination to improve productivity

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Boosting awareness with digital design tools

How to apply design tips to boost course or event offerings using ready-made templates

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Building video-based learning experiences with Panopto

Now integrated into Canvas, the Panopto video platform can enhance presence and streamline access to media

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Utilizing Kahoot to assess understanding

Kahoot is an online platform for hosting interactive quizzes and knowledge-based competitions

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How to use Google Jamboard to build ideas visually

Google Jamboard is a virtual whiteboard that elevates collaboration via sticky notes and doodling tools

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How to use Calendly to schedule meetings

Set up meetings and Zoom links efficiently via online booking tool

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How to utilize Poll Everywhere, a surveying and data-collection platform

Poll Everywhere provides short and versatile polls for data-gathering and feedback in class

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Canvas course organization: Recommendations and templates

A guide on how to use and import premade modules and templates to quickly set up a Canvas course

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How to handle unstable WiFi in Zoom

A short article on how to make Zoom meetings more accessible for students with poor or unstable internet connection

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Recording and sharing Zoom meetings and chat

How to record a synchronous and asynchronous Zoom class and access the chat features

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Canvas FAQ

A collection of answers to the most commonly asked questions about Canvas courses and general Canvas tools and features

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Zoom FAQ

A collection of answers to the most commonly asked questions about Zoom meetings and the general tools and website features

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How to download and sign into Zoom

A guide on installing Zoom to your computer and attending a meeting as an authenticated user

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Using Zoom breakout rooms

A descriptive guide describing the various ways to create and manage Breakout Rooms in Zoom

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Recommended Zoom meeting security settings

Managing the Zoom security settings to protect your classes from unwanted interactions

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Creating multiple pathways for student participation

Utilizing Zoom chat, Zoom polling, and PollEverywhere to increase student engagement and participation

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Office hours in an online world

A guide presenting ways for instructors to make digital office hours accessible and meaningful to students

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Hosting a Zoom meeting or class: Best practices

GSE-IT shares Zoom best practices and how to schedule and host a meeting

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Participating in a Zoom meeting or class: Best practices

GSE-IT shares best practices and tips for participating in a Zoom meeting

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Collection of teaching resources for instructors and TAs

This collection of internal and external resources can help instructors and teaching teams adapt in-person courses to an online format

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